6 Signs Angels

6 Signs Angels Are Trying To Communicate With You

Explore angelic guidance in life’s challenges. Discover how angels, sent by God, offer comfort and clarity through unexpected situations. Uncover subtle signs of angelic presence and find solace in knowing they’re always by our side, guiding us towards a brighter path.

In life, we often encounter unexpected or challenging situations that leave us wondering why they happen. But what if I told you that these moments could be the work of angels, sent by God to protect and guide us for our own good?

Angels are like invisible guardians, always watching over us and stepping in when we need them the most. They are divine beings with a special mission to ensure our safety and well-being, even if we can’t see them directly.

When something bad or unexpected occurs, it could be a gentle sign from our angelic protectors, taking us away from a wrong path or leading us towards a better path. It’s like a guiding angel, working behind the scenes to make sure we stay safe and cared for.

Imagine them as guardians, quietly watching over us and intervening when needed. They bring comfort in times of distress and offer clarity when we’re lost. It’s this comforting idea that many hold onto, especially in times of trouble.

In this article, we delve into the profound role angels play in our lives. From being our unseen protectors to sending subtle signs of guidance, angels offer a sense of reassurance and hope. Join us as we explore the wonders of angelic presence and how they light up our path in unexpected ways.

Signs Angles Are Trying To Communicate With Us:

Angel in a human form:

Have you ever met a person who radiates positivity, kindness, and selflessness? These are the signs that you might have met an angel in a human form. Who is that one person who inspires you to be a better person? These individuals offer insights and wisdom. They often resonate with you. One of the shocking signs is their boundless kindness. They can go to any extent to help others and they are grateful for extremely small things in life which we often do not care about. They have a natural healing presence. Just spending some time with them makes you forget all your worries, even on your bad days.

Unexpected Blessings:

Not every time the signs would be gentle and positive. Sometimes it can be a little harsh. For example; When something unexpected happens, like a setback or challenge, we often wonder why it happened. But what if these moments were actually ways that angels or God protect us? Angels or God might use these moments to shield us from bigger troubles or guide us toward something good. So, what seems bad at first could be a sign of their care and protection. Life’s surprises often hide messages from angels or God. These surprises might seem tough, but they’re often gentle signs towards safety or better things. It’s like a secret language of care that angels use to watch over us.

The Repeating Numbers:

Sure, here’s a simplified version:

When you look at the clock and see numbers like 22:22 or 11:11, it’s not just a coincidence. Angels might be sending you a message. But remember, these numbers can have different meanings for different people. For example, if you’re familiar with tarot cards, their numbers and meanings can give added insight into what the angel numbers signify for you.

Each number still carries its basic meaning, but when it repeats, it’s like the volume is turned up on that message. So, paying attention to these repeating numbers can offer valuable guidance from angels, especially if you have personal connections or associations with those numbers through tarot or other practices.


Feathers can be a sign of angel communication in a simple way because they’re not just ordinary things we see every day. Angels can use feathers to catch our attention and send us messages. When you unexpectedly find a feather in an unusual place or when you’re thinking about something important, it could be a sign that an angel is trying to communicate with you. It’s like a little reminder that they’re nearby, watching over you, and offering their guidance and support.

Gut Feelings:

Sometimes, in tough moments, you might suddenly feel a warm sense of peace or a reassuring calmness deep inside. It’s like a soft hug from an unseen friend, letting you know that everything will be okay. These feelings of comfort and reassurance are often signs of angels’ presence, silently comforting you and guiding you through difficult times. It’s a gentle reminder that you’re not alone and that there’s a higher power looking out for you, offering solace and support when you need it the most.


Intuition in terms of angelic presence means listening to your inner voice or gut feelings, which often lead you in the right direction. It’s like having a wise friend inside you, guiding you towards choices that align with your highest good. Angels use this intuition to communicate with you, nudging you towards paths that bring positivity and growth. So, when you feel a strong sense of knowing or a gut instinct about something, it could be a sign that angels are subtly guiding you towards what’s best for you.

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