Life Changing Blogs


Understanding the Significance of Numerology in Our Life: Abundance, Self-Understanding, and Clarity

Numerology: Did you ever think about your purpose in this life? Do you also feel that if you had known this thing beforehand, you could have avoided this situation? I am sure you have heard about astrology and numerology before, right? These are ways people try to find meaning and answers in their lives by

Understanding the Significance of Numerology in Our Life: Abundance, Self-Understanding, and Clarity Read More »

Dreams and Their Hidden Meaning

Unlocking Dreams and Their Hidden Meanings: What They’re Really Trying to Tell You

Dreams and Their Hidden Meaning: Hello dreamers! Have you ever had a dream where you were falling from a building? Or being chased by a predator or an animal? Or that someone is trying to kill you?  Dreams hold a lot of secrets and could be the key to discovering and manifesting your true passion.

Unlocking Dreams and Their Hidden Meanings: What They’re Really Trying to Tell You Read More »


Unveiling the Mysteries of Dreams: Exploring Why We Dream and How Our Brain Works While Dreaming?

Let’s Talk About Dreams Ever found yourself wondering about the weird and wonderful world of dreams? Dreams are like movies that play in our minds while we sleep. But why do we dream? And what’s the deal with all those crazy things we see when we’re asleep? Let’s dive in and find out! Why do

Unveiling the Mysteries of Dreams: Exploring Why We Dream and How Our Brain Works While Dreaming? Read More »

SWAR VIGYAN ( Manifest your dreams using science of breathing)

SWAR VIGYAN ( Manifest your dreams using science of breathing) Unveiling the Mysteries of Swar Vigyan: A Comprehensive Exploration of Techniques Swar Vigyan, often referred to as the Science of Breath, is an ancient Indian knowledge system that delves into the profound connection between breath, consciousness, and cosmic energy. Rooted in traditional Indian scriptures, Swar

SWAR VIGYAN ( Manifest your dreams using science of breathing) Read More »

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